My First Ever Mobile Phone

Posted By:
Scott, First Ever Mobile Phone

I went to look at a new VOIP mobile phone today , it had every gadget possible and it reminded me of my first Mobile Phone.
Well it wasn't mine exactly it was provided by the company I worked for as a field engineer , I do remember it was made by motorolla and was heavy mostly due to the size of the battery which had to be charged each night, it was about the size of a 12 pack of soda and was about twice the weight , When you wanted to make a call it was best to keep stopping until you got a signal and then try and dial the number even then I would guess it picked up a signal 1 time in 5 and 50% of calls would drop out, all my friends envied me but after lugging it round for 2 weeks I hated it and realised the person who would gain the most from this was my boss, I think is was about 1987 but not fully sure . How things have changed in such a short time.


  1. Time's have changed. But, maybe if mobile phones were still like that today, teenagers wouldn't beg to have them!

  2. You were lucky I paid for my own first mobile phone and it cost $720 and it was also garbage

  3. I get fed up with mobile phones, but they can be of great use especially in emergencys
