I was There when the Berlin Wall Came Down

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Mat, USA, I was There when the Berlin Wall Came Down

I was There when the Berlin Wall Came Down

I was living in Germany in 1989 and watched the start of the dismantling of the Berlin Wall live on Television, I decided that I should go to the wall to see what was happening.

When I got there, with the help of other people, I climbed up on to the wall and watched East German Police standing a good 50ft from the wall and could here heavy construction equipment being used to hammer at the wall but not see it so I decided to get down off the wall as I thought I would be able to see more at home on Television which was still showing live pictures as it was happening

In the next few days every German I knew said "they never thought they would live to see it", and nearly all the people I knew seemed to still have some sort of relitive still living in East Germany

And yes I did get a brick from the wall which I still have to this day


  1. Hey, my name's Melany, and was wondering if I could get an interview with you. Your account of the Berlin Wall would be a treasure to my friends and I. We're doing a history competition over the Berlin Wall and have advanced to State. Our goal now is to gain as many firsthand interviews as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. If you can help us, e-mail me at j.melany@yahoo.com

  2. Hello, my name is Melany. Your account of the Berlin Wall would be a treasure to my friends and I. We are doing a history competition. We have advanced to state, and now need to try and gain as many interviews as possible. If you could help us in any way, please e-mail me at j.melany@yahoo.com. Thank you so much.
