My Best Friend

Memory From:
John , USA, Best Friends

I just finished reading "Marley and Me" by John Grogen. Having recently put my best friend, Sitka, to sleep after 13+ long years of deep friendship, I could relate to his every word. Mine was a saint by comparison, yet I had witnessed many of the same antics over the years, just not as many. Sitka was, for me anyway, a perfect dog. She was big (75 lbs.), strong, athletic, kind, gentle, and as smart as they come. I had never worried about her around children or other animals. She never killed a thing in her life, not even a mouse, though she was quite capable. She was passionately loyal to me. If we went fishing in a boat it was in our best interest to take her along. If we didn't we would shortly be hauling her out of the water because she would swim after us without regard for distance. I recognized every day what a great girl she was and I told her so. I know she knew I loved her, I know she loved me back. She was a proficient "talker" and always enterta ined friends with her vast vocabulary. Her howl was perfectly wolf-like and she was happy to demonstrate for you. I pray every night that God will include our four-legged friends when he settles our scores. I've often though that if getting to heaven is based on how you treat your dog, I'm in. I'll never forget her, and in that sense she will never really be gone.


  1. Sitka sounds like a wonderful dog. My neighbor had a dog named Daisy and we (Daisy and I) were friends for seven years. We still are, but since my family has moved away I do not see her nearly as much as I'd like to. She was the best of the best.

  2. Sitka sounds like a wonderful dog. My neighbor had a dog named Daisy and we (Daisy and I) were friends for seven years. We still are, but since my family has moved away I do not see her nearly as much as I'd like to. She was the best of the best.

  3. I have an old dog FIDO ( kerb side setter, mongrel, Heinz 57 Variety )coming up to 14 who I will be lost without who is faithfull, kind and now he is getting old he is becoming a little crotchety, when we go away for a day he does not eat till we get home and has different types of barks for different needs including out, food, open door, water etc. my wife keeps reminding me how old he getting and I know it will break my heart when his time comes.
