Scents From The 60s

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Daisy, United States

Speaking of scents:
Still remember the smell of hot salted peanuts, fresh caramel corn and popcorn, and the distinct odor of varnish on the polished wooden floor of the Ben Franklin Store in West Frankfort, Illinois.

We would go there on Saturday mornings to buy our treasures. The floor would creak as we walked across it. Mom would give us each 25 cents to buy a grab bag. The store would have a big box full of brown paper sacks marked with a price of 25 cents up to $1.00. We'd close our eyes and fish for just the right one. You never knew what you would come up with, a toy, some jewelry, even a book. (Many of Mom's Mother's Day gifts or Christmas presents were gleaned from those grab bags).

After visiting that store, we would walk along the streets which at that time were full of small shops. We would push a big button on a light pole that would hurry up the light to change so you could cross the street. (Not that the traffic was ever great in the little Southern Illinois town of West Frankfort)!

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